This Friday evening, Tohubohu celebrates “Codependence Day” at the AFI Silver!

It’s be nice to pretend that this whole 48 Hour Film Project thing is routine, but as we discover each year, there’s no predicting how things will go. But this year, despite several moments of near-despair (especially at around two hours before deadline, when it seemed there was no way we’d get the finished product in on time), we managed not only to get the film completed (and turned in), but to produce a pretty entertaining little movie: a little holiday film called “Codependence Day”!

First, let me thank everyone involved in the process. This would absolutely not have been possible without a utterly dedicated cast and crew, and this year’s film demonstrated just what that level of enthusiasm can create.

And second, let me tell you all that you don’t have to take our word for the entertainment value of our little short: You can come see for yourself this Friday evening, May 8, at 9:45 p.m., as “Codependence Day” screens at the AFI Silver Theatre and Cultural Center with Screening Group D for the 2015 Washington DC 48 Hour Film Project! Click here to order your tickets — but don’t wait too long, as these shows have been known to sell out!

We hope to see you there — and if you can come out in celebratory Independence Day-themed attire, so much the better (so we can have a shot at the all-important screening Spirit Award).

In the meantime, check out the brand-new 48-second trailer for our film below! Starting tomorrow, Facebook users can vote for our trailer at the official DC48HFP Trailer Contest right here — voting will be open through Monday, with the winners announced shortly thereafter. So please visit, check out the submitted trailers, and give us your vote!

That’s it for now — hope to see a whole lot of you on Friday!